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Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

— Romans 10:17

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SAPC KL 2024 Sermon
Eph 3:1-13 Privilege, pain, and perseverance in Christian witness
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Gen 12:1-3 The Story of the Bible
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Psalm 109 The Cry for Justice
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Psalm 56 Worship in the Valley
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A study on the book of Daniel

Sermons by Reverend Paul Lau.

Daniel 1 Life under God, as Exiles
Daniel 2:1- 23  Threatened in Exile, Enlightened by the God of Heaven
Daniel 2:24-49 That You May Know the Thoughts of Your Mind
Daniel 3:1-18 Faithfulness to God in the Face of a Pompous King
Daniel 3:19-30 Walking in the Midst of the Fire
Daniel:4 God's Reign:A Humbled King
Daniel 5 The Hand of God
Daniel 6 Safe in the Lion's Den
Daniel 7 An Everlasting Dominion, An Everlasting Kingdom
Daniel 8 The Sanctuary Shall Be Restored
Daniel 9 God of Covenant and Steadfast Love
Daniel 10 :1-11:1 Fear Not
Daniel 11:2-45 The Kings of the South and North
Daniel 12:1-13 Blessed Is He Who Waits
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