Only for fully vaccinated individuals
Information and guidelines

1. All who are fully vaccinated are welcomed to attend our in-person services.
2. All attending must comply with the church's SOP for the health and safety of all attendees. (See the "How you can help" and FAQ sections below.)
3. Online services will continue to be provided at this time. (We are currently offering only the 11 am service.)
4. A future (second) in-person service will be provided when our 11 am service reaches our maximum seating capacity on a regular basis.
We will be following the government standard operating procedures (SOPs) and practice social distancing to ensure the safety of everyone who attends therefore we will only be able to accommodate a certain number of people at the service.
Wear a mask at all times while on site.
Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
Maintain a distance of 1 metre between yourself and other guests.
Please do not hang around after services, you can make the most of the food outlets in the surrounding area!
Please download the FAQ below
In the last 14 days, if you have been experiencing symptoms of a cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, fever, or if you have had in-person contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not attend a in-person service and plan to worship with us at St. Andrew's Live stream instead.